2017 Year in Review and 2018 Goals

2017 Year in Review and 2018 Goals

Wow 2018 is next week!!! Actually it is only in a couple of days. Can you believe it? I know that I am in shock! Serious shock! This year went by so fast.

Being able to do a year in review and goal setting is so much fun. I love looking back on the year and reminiscing on everything that has happened. It is amazing how we forget the little things and don't realize how much actually happened within the year until we actually stop and think about it. So, lets look back on what happened in 2017 for Bessie Young Photography.

2017 Year in Review

1. I split my website into 2!

The biggest thing that happened for my business is the fact that I split my websites. This was a huge endeavor, it took a lot of time, but I am so incredibly happy that I did this! So now, all my landscape images, behind the scenes, how I got the shot, and tips/tricks are on this website. All my everything pertaining to portrait photography is on www.bessieyoung.photography

2. I was able to go on so so so many adventures.

- Death Valley National Park and Badwater Basin

- Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Washington

- Finding Fall and the Alpine Loop, Utah

3. I started sharing Tips, Tricks, How To's, and Tutorials on my Youtube Channel!

Wowza right?! I mean holy moly man. Talk about a busy year, and that is just the landscape side of my business!

Ok, so now lets chat about 2018.

2018 Goals

1. Create a 2019 calendar and get it ready to sell by October 2018

2. Work on my Sierra Nevada Mountain Wildflower Guide Book.

Yep you read that right! I have been working on gathering content for years and years. Getting pictures of the wildflowers in the Sierra Nevada Mountains can be challenging as they only come out once a year. I finally have taken all the images of the wildflowers that I want in my book. Now, I need to compile all the data and create a book. This is going to be a big undertaking but I am so ready for the challenge and to be able to see one of my biggest dreams come true :)

Growing up I absolutely loved getting nature books. It was something that my parents got me for my birthday quite often. I loved going outside and trying to name all the bugs, birds, trees, and especially flowers. I always said that one day I will make a book, only better. One with good images. One where you can look at the picture and not have to guess. Well, that time has come my friends! That time is now and I couldn't be more excited.

3. Start my shop!

Ok so if you didn't watch the video I am going to be adding a section to my shop that includes coffee mugs, T Shirts, and more for photographers! I am so excited about this. Everything is going to be hand drawn, designed, and created by me. I will then get it printed and everything will be printed and designed in the USA. This was a huge thing for me and took me a little while to actually find a printer that was USA based; however, I found one and am so incredibly excited to start this section of my shop!

So that is everything. My 2017 in review and my 2018 goals. So what are you most proud of from 2017? What are your 2018 goals? Leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Wishing you Happy New Year and a wonderful 2018!
