What To Buy A Photographer For Father's Day | 10 Photography gift ideas

Father’s day is just around the corner friends! Now, you have a man in your life that is a photographer and you are struggling on gift ideas. Let’s face it, guys are really hard to buy for!

Don’t worry friend! I’ve got you! That is why I am here :) To help make things easy for you.

I want you to not have to worry, and to be super stoked on the gift that you give knowing that it is going to be accepted.

What to Buy A Photographer For Father’s Day

Ok, lets just get right into it:

1. A good photography book

If your man is a landscape photographer I would highly recommend the book written by Thomas Heaton. Thomas is an amazing Landscape photographer and is actually one of the photographers that got me into photography.

P.S. This book is only $4 on Kindle…. so what are you waiting for?

2. SD Cards

Ok, so seriously not the funnest thing to buy, but these are so needed! No one likes to buy SD cards, but we all need them.

3. External Hard Drives

Again, not the funnest thing to buy, but your man will love you. My tip here would be to check what kind of External Hard drive he already has and buy the same one. People are very particular with their hard drives, so this one can be tricky. If he doesn’t already have an external hard drive then I like the WD Passports.

4. External Battery Pack

With today’s electronic world we all need more power. More batteries are always a good thing. I use my external battery pack for when I am backpacking and man it has been awesome. I have an Anker Battery Pack, but there really are so many out there.

5. A Photography Coffee Mug

umm… ya who doesn’t love a good coffee mug? Seriously though?

p.s. I sell fun photography coffee mugs right here on this site! BONUS!

6. A Camera Bag

Again, a bit of a tricky one, but if your man has been talking about needing a new bag then this is perfect. If he doesn’t have one, then even better! I just recently changed my bag to this Pro Master bag and I am obsessed! I absolutely love it.

7. A Photography Workshop or an Online Course

I love workshops. These are such an awesome way to meet new people and learn new tricks. Plus, you get a fun day of adventuring!

Online courses are awesome because, again, you get to learn new cool things and once you purchase them you always have them!

There are so many cool workshops and online courses out there!

8. A Lens

Umm, new gear? Yes Please! So a new lens is pretty much the best thing every. You really have to pay attention to what your man needs as far as lenses are concerned, but if you know the lens he wants and you get it for him, he will love you FOREVER!

If your man is just starting out in photography there are a few lens’ that I would recommend.

9. A Camera

What to buy a photographer for fathers day - 10 Photography Gift Ideas by Bessie Young Photography

Now we are starting to get big time! Maybe your man has talked about being a photographer, or getting into photography. Well, if you want to go big this would be the gift to give :)

For beginner photographers there are a few cameras I suggest. One is the Sony A series and the other is the Canon T series. These are cropped sensor cameras. I love the Sony A 6500 and the Canon T7i

10. Go all out with a Drone!!!

Go big or go home!!!!

Ok, if you want to go all out, this is it. The mother of all photography gifts. A drone. Yep, I still don’t have one, and I still am dying to get one.

So there are so many options out there for drones how do you know which one to buy? Well, I have a couple that I have been looking at, but I would say choose something from the DJI Pro series. Make sure to do your research before you purchase.

Wow, now that was alot of Gift ideas!

Do you have any suggestions on awesome photography gift ideas for that man in your life? Please leave your recommendation in the comments below.

Happy Father’s Day!
