Do you take the time? Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks - Sunflower Fields in Sacramento

Do you take the time?

Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks

Sunflower Fields in Sacramento

So if you don't know by now I absolutely freaking love road trips! Growing up, that is what we did.... we took road trips. We saw some amazing things, made some of the best memories, and had the absolute most fun. Since going out on my own, I continue to road trip. It is like it is ingrained in every inch of me, it is part of my gypsy soul. To be honest, I crave road trips.

The Story

This past weekend I ended up taking a road trip up to Washington. On the way home it was late. I mean late late late. I was in Redding at about 3 in the afternoon which meant hitting Sacramento during the worst portion of the day, rush hour. This would then have me arriving around 10pm.

So I decided to stay in Redding for awhile in order to avoid traffic (i hate traffic). I went to a local brewery which was absolutely amazing called Fall River Brewery. Then I stopped at my go to out food, Chipotle. Finally, it was time that I could head on down the road and not hit crazy traffic in Sacramento.

As I was passing through Yolo there was this amazing sunflower field. I had to decide, do I stop to take some pictures, or do I just keep rolling because if I stop I am going to get home crazy freaking late...

Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks - Sunflower Fields in Sacramento by Bessie Young Photography

Do you stop to take the time?

So it was decision time... do I stop or do I continue? Obviously I ended up stopping, but it really got me to thinking.

There have been so many times that I have been on a road trip and didn't want to stop to take the time to take a photo. I regret each and every one of those times, but for some reason I still have that little voice inside my head saying that I don't need to stop, that it isn't a big deal, and that I am on a schedule.

Now am I really on a schedule? No not really. So why is it that we get so caught up in the have to get there right now kind of mentality? Why is it that we feel guilty for taking the time to stop? Why is it that we put a time schedule on E V E R Y T H I N G?

You see, it is difficult to schedule seeing the sunflower fields bloom especially when you live over 4 hours away. So why was I struggling so hard? Honestly, I do not have an answer for you, but I figured if I am struggling with this, then maybe you are too.

Take the time to do what you love

I wanted to encourage you to take the time. Take the time to do what you love. Yes, it might put you back 10 minutes or even an hour, but guess what... at least you took the time to get some epic photos.

We really need to stop rushing ourselves. We really need to stop and enjoy the roses, or sunflowers in this instance. Maybe you have no idea what I am talking about, maybe you think I am crazy for struggling with this, but maybe, just maybe you needed to hear this. I am hoping that I can encourage you to take the time for you. Take the time for what you love. In the end you will not regret it, you will only regret what you didn't do.

There have been way too many times that I regret not stopping. I missed out on some epic shots, but I am learning. I am growing, I am trying to get better, trying to quiet that silly voice inside my head.

You see, if I wouldn't have stopped I would have missed getting these epic shots:


This is my little message to encourage you to keep doing what you love, to stop and take the time to do what you love, and to not feel freaking guilty about it.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, and the video. Do you struggle with this? Leave a comment down below. I would love to chat with you!

Until next time my beautiful friend,




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