5 Things Every Beginner Photographer Needs

If you are debating on getting into photography, but aren't quite sure where to start then you came to the right place! Photography can get overwhelming. When you first get started, it seems like you are going to have to spend an arm and leg to actually get set up. Well, you could actually spend all that money, but what are the essential things that you need to get you going? Lets talk about only the necessities:

5 Things Every Beginner Photographer Needs

1. A Camera

Alright I know what you are thinking... DUH. Well hold on just a minute. You don't want to get just any camera. You want to get a camera that allows you to use manual mode plus change lenses.

2. Memory Cards and Batteries

SD cards for capturing your image and batteries because everything takes batteries. When purchasing an SD card make sure you get fast SD cards in order to allow you to use the burst mode on your camera.

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3. Camera Bag

Let's face it, you spent alot of money on your gear. Make sure you protect it with a nice camera bag. Now, don't do what I did and buy the cheapest one out there, because sure as can be you will eventually realize that it sucks and you want / need the nicer one.

4. A Tripod

Seriously though, you need a good sturdy tripod. Don't go cheap on this one either. Buy once cry once. Seriously, you will spend more money buying the cheap stuff over and over until you eventually buy the expensive one. Just buy the nice one and call it good. You will have it for a very long time.

The tripod is going to allow you to be creative as well as get some incredibly beautiful crisp images.

5. An Editing Program

The two main editing programs are Lightroom and Photoshop. These programs are great and very flexible.

6. BONUS: A wide aperture lens

The wider the aperture (the lower #) will give you much more flexibility when it comes to your photos. It will allow you to get those beautiful image where the background is completely blurred. It will also allow you to get star images! Think about getting an F2.8 lens.


Now get out there, get your gear, and get to shooting those amazing images that you have dreamed about. If you have any questions just leave a comment below. I would love to chat!

Wishing you nothing but beautiful pictures and fun adventures,


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