Should I Quit? - Photography Tips

Should I Quit?

When is the right time to quit?

This is a question I have asked myself throughout this photography journey. Should I quit? I'm not the best at what I do, hell I'm only half decent to say the truth.

As I look at other photographers work I sit there is utter amazement and awe. I have so much to learn and so far to go before.... before I make it.

Am I a fraud? You know the saying is, fake it until you make it, but what if we never "make it"? What is making it anyways? When do you decide to stop? When do you decide to stop trying, to stop pursuing your dreams? When do you finally recognize that you won't "make it"?

I was talking with my dad the other day and asking him when do you decide enough is enough? When do you give into the pressures of society and just stop pursuing your dream? When do you decide that you are just wasting your time?

My dad just looked at me and smiled. He took a deep breath and said

Oh sweet Bessa, you never stop. You are never wasting your time pursuing your dream. you never stop doing what you are passionate about, and you never stop doing what you love. Why would you?

So I ask you this my beautiful friends, why would you stop? Why do we believe this false idea that we aren't good enough? You are good enough. Let me just repeat myself on that... YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!

When should you quit? The answer is never. Not as long as you love what you are doing. You should never quit, never give up, and never stop trying. If you are loving what you do why would you quit? 

So what if you aren't the best. So what if you don't make if... for whatever that might mean to you. If you have passion to create then just freaking create. If you love what you are doing then never stop doing.

Never quit my beautiful friends. Never stop creating.




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