The Creative Process | Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs | Car Chats With Bessie

Ahhh, being a creative… We have so many different ups and downs. The creative process is tricky, but it is only tricky when it comes to your mind. We play so many mind games on ourselves it is crazy.

There are a ton of different funny quotes about the creative process. You can find all sorts of images that can make you laugh and that you can completely relate to. I just figured, I would create one myself, explain what actually goes on in our heads, and then share it with you! So here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy, get a good laugh, and can relate to it all :)

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The Creative Process | Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs

Car Chats With Bessie

The creative process Inspiration for Creavite Entrepreneurs by Bessie Young Photography

So here is my version of the creative process:

  1. Yas! This is awesome!

    This is the beginning of it all. We get inspired, have an awesome idea in our head, and are freaking gung ho to make it come to life.

    At this point we gather all the supplies, all the things, maybe some coffee along the way, and then get to creating.

  2. This is hard…

    As we start ‘making it happen’ it becomes apparent that the idea is way harder to make come to life than we expected. We begin to question ourselves. Like

    • “What the hell was I even thinking starting this project?”

    • “This seemed so much easier in my head”

    • “Why the crap do I do this to myself”

    • “What is wrong with me? Why isn’t this easier?”

  3. This sucks!

    After we get to creating, realize how hard it actually is, and start seeing the product actually come to life all hell breaks loose. Everything gets questioned. We begin to doubt ourself because things may not be going as planned. We get uninspired, sad, and we start all the negative talk…

  4. I suck! I should quit.

    Yep, all the negative self talk one can, or can’t, handle. This is in the heart of the project. Where we begin to want to give up. Where we question everything and when I say everything I mean everything. We even begin to question life choices that aren’t even related to the project itself.

    This is where we then also start to compare ourselves to others.

    • “Why do I even try, look how good they are doing”

    • “What is wrong with me?”

    • “Oh crap I can’t ever find anything around here. I really need to get better at being organized.”

    • “I definitely shouldn’t have had all those drinks during New Years”

    • “Why can’t I ever finish a new years resolution? Oh ya, because I suck!”

    • “I suck. People are just lying when they say they like my stuff”

  5. This might be ok…

    After kicking our own ass, possibly for days, we start to see the final product. We start to realize that there might be some hope. That there is a possibility that the project might turn out just ok. Maybe not great. Maybe not what we expected it to be, but good enough.

    • “Huh…. maybe it’s not that bad”

    • “Maybe it will turn out ok. I guess I will finish it just to see the final product complete, but I won’t share it with anyone”

  6. Yas! This is awesome!

    The project is complete. This phase might take a few days to actually make it to. We might be stuck in phase 4 or 5 for days. When I say days, I mean freaking days. Not like seconds, or minutes, or hours…. DAYS.

    We inspect the project, look at it over and over again, talk to our Mom about all the good and bad aspects of it. You know… why it sucks and why it might be ok. What all the flaws are about the final product. What might make it a pretty cool accomplishment.

    We then walk away. Sleep on it. Inspect it again. Eventually we realize how awesome it really is and we get the courage up to share it with others.

So there you have it. The creative process. The funny, somewhat ridiculous, and oh so very real things we go through on a day to day basis. Being a creative definitely has its ups and downs. It can get crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love being a creative, being able to have a vision of something and make it come to life :)

Can you relate? Leave a comment below! I would love to hear your version of one of the phases, or your version of the entire creative process :)

Wishing you nothing but the most positive 2019!
